Dentistry 4.0: Welcome to the New Era

Do you deal with oral health?

We have designed a series of free, live webinars presented every Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. to address various topics related to a vision of Dentistry 4.0 and the opportunities offered by technology. Below is a list of the topics and at the bottom the registration form for each appointment. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Are you ready to enter the new era? Hurry and register, places are limited!


Wednesday 15 May - 20:30
Bruxism patients and medico-legal aspects.

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Brady Bucci

In legal medicine, there are various aspects that dentistry must comply with regarding all bruxism patients. This meeting focuses on what can and should be done to demonstrate correct action according to law, underlining the importance of the dia-BRUXO system in such cases.

Wednesday 08 May - 20:30
dia-BRUXO: how to read the software-generated report.

The dia-BRUXO system provides a range of information on spontaneous muscular behaviour over 24 hours (time index, work index, number of gnashing and clenching episodes, etc.), summarized in a PDF report that is easy to interpret for both professionals and patients. This meeting focuses on its correct reading.

dia-BRUXO: how to read the EMG graph in the report.

The report generated by the dia-BRUXO system also includes the entire EMG graph recorded during the exam, which is easy to read once its features are understood. This session highlights the basics for reading and interpreting the graph correctly.



Wednesday 17 April - 20:30
How the dia-BRUXO system works: device and software.

The dia-BRUXO system is currently the only instrumental exam capable of providing data on spontaneous muscular behaviour, distinguishing between sleep and wakefulness. It consists of an EMG device and dedicated software that will be illustrated in this session.

Wednesday 27 March - 20:30
Bruxisms in sleep and wakefulness.

It is now well-known that bruxism in sleep and wakefulness are two very different phenomena with respect to origin, evolution, and treatment. In this session, the official definition for both will be presented, along with their separate analysis, distinguishing the underlying causes and treatment.

Wednesday 06 March - 20:30
Electromyography applied to dentistry.

With electromyography, it is possible to understand patients' muscular activity. Polysomnograms, polygraphs, chairside scans, and dia-BRUXO all rely on this technology, which is useful in diagnostics and therapeutic clinical activities, as well as treatment verification.

Wednesday 28 February - 20:30
The importance of understanding patientsu2019 spontaneous muscular activity: an overall perspective.

This session presents an overall view of the usefulness of having a precise picture of spontaneous muscular activity over 24 hours (sleep and wakefulness). It starts with general notions on electromyography and its use in dentistry and presents the other specific topics addressed in the individual dedicated webinars, which will be available in the future.